Thursday, 16 May 2024

A Return to Meat - our 2024 season begins

With COVID sort of out of the way, we restarted our weekly MeatThursday sessions today.   The weather was warm and we had a good turnout.

We enjoyed meat beneath the awning.
A good variety of options were supplied including wasabi seaweed snacks that I refused to try because I don't like the taste of seaweed.    But that wasn't the only contribution from the sea.  I brought canned sardines packed in tomato sauce - served on crackers.  I keep the canned fish in my desk drawers as emergency food.    Canned fish lasts forever, so we can ignore the 2021 best before date.  I'm sure it's fine.  

Also from the canned fish category, Andrew Wilkie brought smoked oysters.  These were served without a substrate - just sitting in their packing juice on a plate.  I ate one and enjoyed it just as much as my sardines.  Not very much.   Are oysters fish?  No, but the term "fish" has been loosely defined throughout history.  

There was salmon - a hunk of it.  I think CW brought that.  Seemed well received among those who like salmon.  

My distaste for fishy foods is far from universal, as all the sardines, oysters, salmon, and seaweed (I think) were consumed. 

The one "solid meat" contribution was from Tom, who grilled up some nice pork chops and then took his sweet old time slicing it up for serving.  I may have expressed some frustration with the delay, but I really needed to get the sardine taste out of my mouth.

The breakfast sausages went quickly.  I got none.  

Jakub faithfully offered up his usual eggroll/springroll things.  You really can't go wrong with those.  

Sam brought some sort of hot dip with pita crackers.  I think I heard it was artichoke dip.  Also in the dip category, Matt and Blake brought Tostitos and salsa (and queso dip).  CW says the queso is amazing on the shriveled up Cheetos.  There was another dip but I don't recall much about it.  It was nice - served with some spicy potato chips.  

I quite enjoyed the quiche.  Not sure who brought that but I had two pieces.  Isaac was back to his usual form with some scones.  Could be blueberry scones.  That's what it looked like to my colourblind eyes.

Kingsmore cut up a McChicken - it evaporated pretty quick.  I didn't even get a crumb.  McDisappointed.

I spotted a pecan pie.  I'm sure it was good but I opted not to have any.    Same for some cookies.  

For vegetables - there were pickled beets and some tomatoes.  

That concludes my recollection of our MeatThursday for May 16, 2024.  Apologies for the contributions and contributors that I failed to mention.

Since we're now in the AI era, I asked for it to imagine what the spread looked like based on this post.   

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